March 3, 2011

Definition: Happy Dogs

Hi Lex.  I have had Lex on the weblog as a guest before, and he seems to remember.  He was very playful today, he very happily ran and jumped with my kids .  I have several good photos of Lex which I will put up.
I am several days behind with my posting.  I have been overcome with the cold.  It is getting so OLD. I have been taking my camera to the Island everyday, except for the coldest days, and the day I simply forgot it.  I think that was some sub-conscience stuff happening.
This is perhaps the best four feet of the ground photo I have, so I post it even though focus is on those extended paws and not on the eyes. I like it. Go Lex.
I walked around the Island today with Ron, Lex's friend and saviour.  Lex is an English Shepherd Rescue.  He seems to have adjusted quite well to his new and better life. I got some great photos of Lex today. Thanks Buddy.  
 My Chocolate boy was feeling the happiness too. Get happy Choco!


  1. I know Lex from the English Shepherd Group! He is such a handsome boy! Thanks for posting these blogs Ken. I am really enjoying them.

  2. I like the picture of lex ( the top one) going full bore, about as excited as a dog can get!
