Do I Love This Picture?
Hello, I am back. Sorry I took such a long break, but many reasons contributed to my long absence. It was no fun taking photos when it was hot and buggy, it was no fun being stuck in front of the computer when it was so beautiful outside, it was a lot of fun being totally lazy for awhile.
Above we have my beautiful Nina Blanca and one of her favorite playmates, Snickers.
We have been walking at Norm Schoenthal Island again for about a month now. I usually avoid the Island in the summer because the bugs are unbearable. But for some reason they have not been bad this year. I went out one day just to see what the Island looked like after the flood and the oil spill, Voila` I have been there everyday since.
I will make an effort now to keep the posts coming. Apologies to those of you that follow my weblog regularly. I will try to make up for it. How? hum.
Chocolate and Finnegan are always having this issue between them. Our friend Finny walks with us now officially on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Choco, Blanca and I enjoy his company, and he behaves really well, for a one year old.